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    TikTok Post 59


    I’m going to read what one man shared concerning his early childhood and route to homosexuality.


    “You would think at my age, remembering back to age four would be impossible – unless it was a traumatic event indelibly etched in my memory. So, I guess that is what it was. At age four I had an operation on my eyes causing me to have my eyes bandaged and the kids in the neighborhood joined together to give me presents. It was probably their mothers who had the party, and the presents planned. How would I know – my eyes were bandaged, and I couldn’t see.

    So, why the operation? My mother’s father was cross-eyed, and I was lucky enough to have it passed down to me. I had the operation and then got my first of many glasses. After that, I don’t remember much about my childhood until I entered junior high and had my first gym class. We did calisthenics which I enjoyed but when we would play baseball, I would always be sent to the outfield. When the ball would come to me – I would always miss it. I would hold the mitt where I thought the ball would drop but always missed it. I later realized that I was seeing double because of the cross eyes. I concentrated with the wrong eye causing me to miss the ball by inches – every time. 

                You may ask, ‘What has that got to do with same-sex attraction?’ Looking back, I know that was the main reason the guys didn’t want me on their teams. But I needed guys in my life. They were everywhere and I needed to be one of them. I must have desperately looked for a way to be accepted. From that point forward I don’t know exactly how it happened. I do know that three out of four of my friends from that point on, turned out to be gay.”


                Play is said to be the “business of childhood.” Boys need opportunities to be together for gentle, non-competitive immersion in fun physical activities. There should be no winners or loosers. Lyrics from the stage play and movie, King and I, define what is needed.  “Getting to know you, getting to feel free and easy – getting to like you, getting to hope you like me…”  This is the gender-specific socialization young boys need growing up.

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