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TikTok Posts 32, 33, and 34

 Post 32 – Posted 12/7/24


I am FOR men who have grown up gay. My highest priority is working to assist men who grew up same-sex attracted. Someone suggested that it is better to be trusted than loved. TikTok “likes” are nice and welcomed, but the need for your trust is greater. I’m aware of concepts from the past which are not antiquated but timely beneficial and should be recalled and merged with new views. I grew up gay, and my hope is to share insights gained over a lifetime, both personally and professionally.

New “followers” should review all my posts from the beginning. Additionally, it would be  helpful if all viewers read the suggested books and considered their merits. Defensiveness must be set aside so there can be room to consider alternative ideas. 

Growing up, some males gradually discover the fixedness of their strong admiration and draw to certain men. Same-sex attracted men may wonder, “Why, Why me.” I hope to present a rational definition of homosexuality and explain why the drive to pursue other men sensually persists.



Post #33 – Posted 12/7/24


         There clearly exists a pattern of personal and relational experiences that give rise to obligatory homosexuality. While many men in our society desire closer rapport with other men, gay men feel so intensely different and isolated that they breach social morés to relieve their inner pain. My entry on the gay trail probably began shortly after my mother’s death, when I was barely over one year old. From that initial relational trauma ensued a constellation of associated events. They carved a “natural” path for my perpetual search for sensual intimacy with “yet another man.” I have become assured of both a lawful, definable course both into and beyond homosexuality and hope to shed some light regarding these journeys.





Post #34 – Posted 12/10/24


A bumper sticker was emblazoned with two words”: “S--t happens!” And it’s  true. The unexpected and unwanted visit each of us. Finding yourself same-sex attracted is an uninvited awareness. You are immediately drafted into a war that was going on long before you arrived. The conflict between gays and straights has existed for centuries. After eons of abuse, gay’s virulent rejection of heterosexuals is understandable. It is largely the fruit of heterosexual’s homophobia, “homo-hatred,” and mistreatment.


            Fear and hurt are often expressed through rage and resentment. Gay poet and essayist, Sir Stephen Spender, wrote that men present a mask to their fellow men and that beneath this mask “is only the desire to love and be loved.” He suggested that “the only sanity must lie in helping one another.”


          The purpose of my blog is to convince both heterosexuals and homosexuals that there is a rational and cooperative way to understand and address this relational conundrum. The stalemate can end with each finding needed care and respect. Key points, once understood and considered together, will show this to be true.

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